
Tasky is project management tool for small companies. You can immediately create tasks, assign them, write comments. The admin contains tables that help you manage the app with ease.


  • Responsive

  • Cross-browser compatibility

  • Google web font

  • Clean and well organized groups

  • Project creation

  • Task assignment

Data structure

Option sets

Database - Within the app in the Data tab, you can see the description for every field within every data type if you click the chat icon on the right of every data field.

States - In the page window, if you click the dialogue window, you will notice elements names with the states attached to them.



This is the main page of this template. Here you can add projects, assign to a specific set of users, sort projects by votes and statuses either completed or not yet completed. You also have the possibility to view tasks, with information about when they were created as well as current status. You can sort these tasks by status, either in progress or completed, also by time from newest to oldest. You can search through projects using the search bar on the top of the page. You can also like or dislike a specific project.


Our admin page is divided into four parts, each one of them contains information that is extracted from site activity. You have full control over everything that happens in the template.

First option in the menu is overview, it shows general information about your template activity such as, how many users are there in your app, the total number of projects, and tasks.

Second is users tab, here you will see general information about your users. You are able to edit their first and last name, also you can edit their email as well. or delete the user. There's also information regarding projects and tasks assigned to this user.

Third is projects tab, here you'll see a list of projects from within the app, with info about its creation date, project team, status and upvotes.

Fourth tab is tasks, here you'll see information about tasks such as project it relates to, creation date, who this task is assigned to, status and due date.


This page is dedicated to the user profile. Here you can view and edit all your personal information such as first and last names, email password. Also here, you can view how many projects and tasks you are currently involved into. Besides that, you see how many comments you've left.


Reset password is a page that a user gets redirected to after a link for reseting a password is sent to his email.


This is the page a user lands on if he tries to access a page or path that doesn't exist within your app.

Reusable elements description


This reusable is used on index, it is an action for selecting users when needed to assign a task from within a project. It's basically an icon, which if clicked, will open up a group focus that will contain a list of users that you can choose from.


This is basically the same as assignBig reusable, it's just of a smaller size and used in places where you're limited in space.

new Project

This is a reusable that pops up whenever you try to add a new project, in other words this is a new project from.


Header reusable contains groups with buttons for both logged in and logged out users. It has a user menu to navigate or log out of he application. You can sign in or log in into your app, as well as reset your password.


The footer element contains the template's logo and a link.

Signup Login

This reusable holds signup login forms, as well as reset password popup.


‌This template comes with explicit notes for Database fields, Workflow Folders, States etc. which will guide you with modification process.Database notes:

Last updated