Mentionly template

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Mentionly is essentially a brand monitoring service similar to Mention whereby the user signs up and is then prompted to set up their first brand to monitor. You can either monitor your own brand or a competitors (all segmented in the dashboard). It searches all the mentions on the resources that you are mentioned. All the data is being shown in the dashboard. Whenever you are choosing a mention in the dashboard, it will show you the posts that you're mentioned in. During setup or adding a brand later they enter the brand name, which then does a data pull using Clearbit to pull through a list of brand/company names and logos so they can choose from a nice list.

It then performs a check and finds that brands social media accounts and by default will ignore mentions of the brand from those social networks (Facebook, Twitter etc) to prevent false positives as we only want to track other people mentioning our brand.

They can then choose what platforms to monitor, like social networks, blogs, forums and news outlets or choose to monitor everything.


  • Login/Signup page

  • Dashboard

  • Admin

Data structure


First name, Last name, Full name and Image are responsible for holding user identity related information. Plan holds the info about Current User subscription plan. Trial end means registration date/time plus seven days. Whenever a new account is created, current day/time is registered and this user automatically gets a Free Plan subscription which will be canceled seven days past registration date. Every user will have his own list of Brands and Competitors. Whenever a user first registers his Onboarding Stage is name. This triggers the first step of the registration. After completion of the first step, create brand is triggered. A user has to add a brand otherwise he won't be able to get past create brand step. Whenever he completes both steps, Onboarding Stage becomes over and this popup will never appear again. An agency plan user has the possibility to create a Client.If isClient is turned yes, it means that this user is an agency's Client. Agency owner is the creator of this agency. A client is limited in his actions and can't add brands or competitors, he can just observe data. Company data field holds info about the agency that created the Client. Ultimately, accessRights field value determines whether you're an admin or not.

Source type

This data type will provide users with potential sources where from they can extract mentions about the selected brand. It has fields that pull the source name and icon.


Users can subscribe to a set of plans that are predefined in the template. A plan is defined by name, description, planPicture and its Price. Plan data type has fields that describe its characteristics like Brand Allowance and Competitor Allowance , fields that indicate restrictions regarding the number of brands or competitors a user can monitor. Refresh Rate updates the mentions in your inbox either hourly or daily. Using data fieldstripeID we connect the plan from stripe with the one from the database. Mention History Allowance determines the amount of time your mentions will be stored in the database.


Messages data type will store all the messages users send to admin. It has two fields, one responsible for the content: body , and one responsible for the state of the message yes/no - read.


This data type refers to a specific Brand. Source is where the mention has been found. Link is the URL where the mention was found. ID is a mention identifier returned by Rankur API. Source Favicon is the icon of the resource where the mention was found. Read is a boolean data field that marks a mention either read or unread. Mentioned Date stores the day of the post creation that contains the mention.


Language data type has two fields, one is codethat is responsible for sending the code of the language to Rankur. The other field is name that sets the name of the chosen language.


Logs data type has only one field that is called action, its role is to store user activity regarding subscriptions and show it into the admin panel.


A brand is characterized by Name, Logo, Link . Twitter Handle, Linkedin page and Facebook ID contains brands handles. Search Sources is a list of Source Types among which Rankur API will search for Mentions.Search ID is a field where unique ID's of a certain object from Rankur API are recorded, so that you can use for future editing.

Track FB Profile, Track LinkedIn Profile, Track Twitter Profile and Track Brand Domain are boolean fields that indicate if these social networks are included or not in the search filters. Languages is a list that offer the user the possibility to filter the results that are retrieved through Rankur API. Competitoris a boolean field that helps creating a competitor using Brand's data field without creating a separate object for Competitor brands.


Team is a list of users who have access to observe mentions of the current brand.


This template has 3 pages.


The login and signup options are included on one page. You can switch to the needed one by clicking the link underneath the login/start 14 day trial button.


Once you signup, you will be redirected to the dashboard, where you will see a window that's going to offer you 2 choices. Those choices will be to add a brand or a competitor. You won't be able to get pass this window unless you complete one option.

The dashboard displays all the data that is related to the brands that you select as your brands, and the brands that you select as being the competitors. You can see relevant information about them in the left side panel that offers you 4 menus. The first menu called unread mentions will offer you all the mentions that you haven't yet checked. Whenever you open a mention it changes its status to read. If a mention becomes read, it will move either in the social mentions or web & forum mentions board according to the type of mention. You can access them later if you want to.

The manage brand/competitor board allows you to view the full list of brands/competitors that you are currently observing. You can also either delete them or pause monitoring.


The admin panel contains within itself 4 menus with different information regarding the template. User menu contains all the users that registered on this platform. Here you can sort them according to the plans or send them an email. In the second tab you have the ability to view current as well as add new plans to the platform that users can subscribe to. Messages tab offer you the possibility to read users enquiries. Logs menu delivers a summary about the number of users per type of plan. It also shows you wether a user subscribed to another plan.

Last updated